
discuss the changing nature of the relationship between the main character and desiree by nthikeng mohlele​

Resposta :


The narrator begins his story with him being in love, he does not says what is his name but reveals all the challenges he went through.

He (the narrator) believes in love, but fails to commit to his love to Desiree, staying alone.

He is a survivor: eighteen years imprisoned, he was homeless for years... But he died from a bee attack (ironic!).


O narrador começa sua história apaixonado, ele não diz seu nome, mas revela todos os desafios pelos quais passou.

Ele (o narrador) acredita no amor, mas não consegue se comprometer com Desiree, ficando sozinho.

Ele é um sobrevivente: dezoito anos preso, ficou sem-teto por anos ... Mas morreu de um ataque de abelha (irônico!).

Bons estudos!