
5) De acordo com o uso das partículas do verbo to be no tempo pretérito/passado, na forma

negativa. (wasn´t e weren´t). Indique qual alternativa está Incorreta (Errada). Obs: só será

permitido marcar uma alternativa.

A) I was´t born in Mexico.

B) You weren´t my best friend.

C) He wasn´t a good footbal player.

D) she wan´t studying english.

E) It wasn´t raining yestarday.

F) We weren´t in France last week.

G) You weren´t undestend the teacher.

H) They wasn´t in bus stop in the right moment.​

Resposta :

H) They wasn't in bus stop in the right moment.

⟩ O was e o were são termos usados para designar o simple past do verbo to be, e o uso de cada um deles varia conforme o pronome pessoal;

>> Verb to be past <<

I was

You were

He was

She was

It was

We were

They were

» Was e were têm o sentido de era/estava;

⟩ Para formar sentenças negativas acrescenta-se o not após was/were;

  • I was not happy last night
  • They were not tired

» Também usa-se o forma contraída de was not e were not;

  • I wasn't happy last night
  • They weren't tired

→ Seguindo essas regras a frase correta seria:

They weren't in bus stop in the right moment

°Espero ter ajudado;

°Bons estudos!

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