HALANVALERIOSALESON HALANVALERIOSALESON Inglês Respondido a-You ________ a glass of mil every morning . ( drink - drinks ) = beberb)Dr.Turner _________ in that hospital. ( work - works ) = trabalharc)That girl __________ alone . ( walk - walks ) = caminhard)I __________ newspaper evryday . ( read - reads ) = ler e)Sheila ________ to work on foot. ( go - goes ) = ir f) That man _______ TV only in the weekend. (Watch - watches ) =assistirg)They _________ their hands several times . ( washes – wash ) = lavar 2- Use o auxiliar correto para as interrogativas e negativas abaixo. Do ../Does...? don´t / doesn´ta) _______ they live in Brazil? (= Eles moram no Brasil?) - Yes, they ____.b)The teacher _______ speak Spanish. She speaks English. ( speak=falar)c)_______ the class begin at 7? (A aula começa às 7 ? ) - No, it ________.d)The boys __________ get up late. ( Os meninos não acordam tarde. )