
2. Complete the songs with the verbs in the Simple Past or in the Past Continuous. (Complete as canções com os verbos no Simple Past ou no Past Continuous.)

When she ____ (BE-Simple Past) just a girl she ________ (EXPECT-Simple Past) the world.

Love Story-Taylor Swift
That you ___ (BE-Simple Past) Romeu, you _______ (THROW-Past Continuous) pebbles
And my daddy _______ (SAY-Simple Past): Stay away from Juliet
And I _____ (CRY-Past Continuous) on the staircase Begging you: Please don't go.

Resposta :

when she was just a girl she expected the world

that you were romeu you were throwing pebbles and my daddy said stay away from juliet and I was crying on the staircase begging you: please don't go