a) Animais domésticos precisam de carinho e de um lar. Explique em poucas palavras, o que
você entendeu desse panfleto:
b) Observe a sentença He is waiting for you love. Em que tempo verbal ela se encontra?
( ) Simple present.
( ) Simple past.
( ) Present Continuous.
( ) Future.
c) Releia o panfleto e responda: Onde e quando acontecerá a adoção de gatinhos?
Where: _______________________________________________________________________.
When: ________________________________________________________________________.
2. Match the columns about the animals.
a) Pássaro. ( ) Shark.
b) Tartaruga. ( ) Lion.
c) Gato. ( ) Turtle.
d) Leão. ( ) Bird.
e) Tubarão. ( ) Cat.
3. Fill in the gaps with the correct answer. Mark an X on the correct alternative:
A) You………….with the dog.
a) am playing.
b) is playing.
c) are playing.
B) I…………..with the turtle.
a) am playing.
b) is playing.
c) are playing.
C) It…………..with the ball.
a) am playing.
b) is playing.
c) are playing