
A)Look this words. Which nouns are countable? *

1)lemon - apple - butter

2)potato - water - chicken

3)apple - potato - lemon

B)Look this words. Which nouns are uncountable? *

1)milk - butter - bread

2)onion - lemon - potato

3)butter - banana- apple

Resposta :


⇒⇒ Countable and uncountable nouns

Countable nouns - substantivos contáveis

onions - biscuits - carrots - eggs - lemons - strawberries - peaches - apples - legs - children - flower - cup - shirt - bus - pear - vegetable - fruit - child - banana - cherries - sandwich - people - cake - chicken - tomato - apple - chips - potato - crisps - vegetable - mice - music

Uncountable nouns - substantivos incontáveis

milk - water - cheese - cereal - fish - juice - rice - salad - soup - meat - toast - money - butter - chip - icecream - information - food - snow - bread - homework - chocolate


→→ Countable nouns >>> substantivos que têm singular E plural e, por isso, podem ser contatos >> 1, 2, 3, muitos , vários, centenas, milhares

three cars

four houses

two pencils

many friends

→→ Uncountable nouns >>> são substantivos no singular e que precisam de uma unidade de medida (1 copo, 1 xicara, 1 kilo, 1 litro, um pouco, muito)

a cup of coffee

two glasses of milk

some sugar