
3- Reescreva as frase que não estão corretas de acordo com o Present continuos. ATENÇÃO SOMENTE REESCREVER ÁS QUE ESTÃO INCORRETAS:
a. She are washing her face.

b. He is goes home now.

c.They are waiting for the bus.

d. We is eating breakfast.

e. My brother are playing soccer.

Resposta :


a)she is washing...

b)he is going

c) correto

d We are eating

e)my brother is playing

Explicação:Observar o verbo be relativo as pessoas se e singular ou plural

ex: i am

you are

He is

She is

It is

we are

you are

they are

o presente contínuos segue da seguinte forma pronome+verbo be+ verbo principal acrescido de "ing"