
Crie Duas frases no Present: he

Resposta :


I am studying English now.

You are looking your shoes.

My family is watching the movie.

He is sleeping every day.

My cousin is playing video game.

I am making chocolate cake.

We are eating pizza.

My father is drinking orange juice.

I am buying new clothes.

Today is walking with my dog.

They are studying until midnight.

My uncle is crying in pain.

She and I are surfing.

My mother is working at home.

I am dancing ballet.

We are cooking potato.

I am driving in street.

I am writing a poem.

She is singing for us.

He and your family are traveling.

Today is very raining.

He is not swimming .

I am cycling to school.

I am talking to my boyfriend.

They are dating.

Are you kissing my sister?

I am learning French.

He is asking my name.

She is hearing classic music.

My dog is jumping on chair.

O Simple Present retrata o tempo verbal presente simples- ou seja, diferente do present continuos a ação não terá uma consequência no agora. Mas aborda alguma ação no presente!

  • I love you now
  • She hates cold drinks


  1. Eu te amo agora
  2. Ela odeia bebidas frias

As duas frases se localizam no presente e não causa nenhuma consequência!