
Diálogo em inglês 10 linhas, 5 tem que ter o verbo modais. Não pode repetir o verbo me ajuda Prfv​

Resposta :

Diálogo com modal verbs

Lucy : Hi, John. Good morning, how are you?

John : Hi, Lucy. Good morning, I'm good and you?

Lucy : I am ok. Can you help me?

John : Sure, what do you want?

Lucy : This pack is too heavy. Could you put it on the table?

John : Sure. You should be tired.

Lucy : Yes, I think I must rest now.

John : You must not carry heavy things like that.

Lucy : I called my brother to help me.

John : I got it. He may be on his way.

Lucy : Anyway, thank you very much. Bye.

John : My pleasure. Bye

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