Resposta :
Voz passiva é quando o sujeito da frase está sofrendo a ação ao invés de praticar.
A estrutura para a construção de frases com a voz passiva é:
to be + verbo principal no particípio passado + complemento.
Observe que o verbo to be deve ser substituído pelo respectivo verbo de acordo com o tempo verbal da frase. Por exemplo, no simple past ficaria:
Objeto + was/were + Past Participle do verbo + complemento.
Vamos à resolução:
Presente: 1- The room is being cleaned every day.
to be + verbo principal no past participle + complemento
Passado: 2- I saw an accident yesterday. Two people were been taken to hospital.
Objeto + was/were + Past Participle do verbo + complemento
Presente: 3- Paper is being made from wood.
Passado: 4- There was a fire at the hotel last week. Two of the rooms were damaged.
Passado: 5- Where did you get this picture? It was given to me by a friend of mine.
Presente: 6- Many American programmes have been showed on British television.
Passado: 7- Did Jim and Sue go to the wedding? No. They were invited but they didn't go.
Passado: 8- How old is this film? It was made in 1965.
Passado: 9- my car was stolen last weed but the next day it was found by the police