
First of all Do you play any instrument? Would you like to play one? Which one? TUOTED S What do you like to do on your free time? O What kinds of moments or achievements in life do you and your family celebrate? Think about what and how much you consume. Do you ever consider what you throw away? What is your dream place to visit? Why? ​

Resposta :

I can play the recorder, but I'm far from being a virtuoso. If I had the time and money, I'd try to learn the violin.

On my free time, I like to read sci-fi novels and watch films, mostly horror flicks.

My family and I don't celebrate anything other than our birthdays. When I was a kid, we'd celebrate Easter as well, but that was mostly because we wanted a reason to stuff our faces with chocolate eggs. Given how expensive chocolate eggs have become these past years, we've dropped this "tradition" entirely.

I try my best to recycle all that can be recycled and also try not to buy a lot of crap I won't be using a lot.

I'd like to visit Egypt someday because I find the pyramids fascinating.