Resposta :
I- I would visit Joe if I knew his address. - second conditional
(passado simples + would + verbo)
II- What will you do if we don't work on Saturday? - first conditional
(presente simples + will/won't + verbo)
III- Sam wouldn't have canceled the meeting if he hadn't been sick. - third conditional
(passado perfeito + woud have + passado particípio)
creio que seja isso, espero que ajude!
What conditional forms were used?
I- I would visit Joe if I knew his address.
II- What will you do if we don't work on Saturday?
III- Sam wouldn't have canceled the meeting if he hadn't been sick.
When we analyse the options we can conclude that:
I- In the consequence we have the word "would" and in the condition the verb 'to know' is in the simple past. We can correctly imply that this is the second conditional.
II- In the consequence we have will and in the condition the verb tense used was the present simple. We can correctly imply that this is the first conditional.
III- In the consequence we have the word 'would' and the auxiliary 'have' and in the condition the verb tense used was the past perfect. So, we can correctly imply that this is the third conditional.
You can learn more about verb tenses here