1} Assinale a alternativa correta: " He doesn’t __________ anymore."
2} (UNESP) Examine o meme publicado pela comunidade “The Language Nerds” em sua conta no Instagram em 28.02.2020. Para se evitar o qualificativo de “psicopata”, seria aconselhável seguir a recomendação do meme e inserir uma vírgula logo após:
I like cooking my family and my pets.
Use commas. Don't be a psycho.
3} Hardware is any part of your computer that has a physical structure, such as the keyboard or mouse. It also includes all of the computer's internal parts. Which sentence is FALSE?
The mouse isn't a hardware.
The internal parts of the computer are hardware too.
The keyboard is a hardware.
Hardware is the physical structure of a computer.
4}Choose the best alternative: " We usually ________ our breakfast at 7am, but today we ___________ late."