
5.read the text again and find more Information about Tabata amaral. then write your answers in Your notebook.

a) dream work

b) beginning of studies

C) Tabata Speaks...

d) number of schools atender per year by projeto VOA

e) number of international science olypiads

6.read the following senteces. decide of the staments are T [true], F[false] or NM
(if the information os not mentioned). the correct the false one (s). write the answers in your notebook.

a) Tabata comes from a poor family.

b) Tabata is good até mathematics.

c) Tabata is the co-fouder of Projeto VOA
and movimento mapa de educação.

d) movimento mapa educação teaches math in public Schools.

e) she knows a lout about education.

f) English is important in her life.

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5read The Text Again And Find More Information About Tabata Amaral Then Write Your Answers In Your Notebooka Dream Workb Beginning Of StudiesC Tabata Speaksd Nu class=