
I will write a poem (Eu escreverei um poema).
I will buy a car (Eu comprarei um carro)
She will dance with me (Ela dançará comigo)
She will run from you (Ela correrá de você)
We will travel tomorrow (Viajaremos amanhã)
They will eat the popcorn (Eles comerão a pipoca)
It will hurt me (Isso me machucará)
We will survive (Nós sobreviveremos)
They will jump (Eles pularão)
He will fight (Ele lutará)
We will go to a party (Iremos para uma festa)

passe essas frases para interrogativa e negativa por favorrr​

Resposta :



I will not write a poem.

I will not buy a car.

She won't dance with me.

She won't run from you.

We will not travel tomorrow.

They won't eat the popcorn.

It won't hurt me.

We will not survive.

They won't jump.

He won't fight.

We won't go to a party.

Will I write a poem?

Will I buy a car?

Will she dance with me?

Will she run from you?

Will we travel tomorrow?

Will they eat the popcorn?

Will it hurt me?

Will we survive?

Will they jump?

Will he fight?

Will we go to a party?