
Marque a única alternativa que está no Present Continuous. 
* I get up at 5 a.m. and go to school at 7 a.m. My name is Anthony, but call me Tony. I am from Feira de Santana. My best friend is Wesley. He is Brazilian. I think it's very interesting! Louis is talking to teacher now.

Marque a alternativa em que há erro no uso do auxiliar do ou does.
Does John chat online every day to his friend?
Does Carol like international music?
Does they have breakfast at 07:00? Breakfast = café da manhã
Do Carlos have extracurricular classes on Saturdays ?
Does Jennifer go to school by bus? To go= ir

Observe as frases abaixo e marque a que está com a tradução correta.
How are you today? Tradução: Quantos anos você tem?
Don’t worry! Tradução: Não corra!
I am glad to see you! Tradução: Estou muito feliz em sair com você!
Let’s go together! Tradução: Vamos comer!
Let’s tak about communication! Tradução: Vamos falar sobre comunicação!

Como fica a frase abaixo na forma interrogativa? *
Imagem sem legenda
They are very not common in the United States?
They are not very common in the United States?
They aren’t very common in the United States?
Are they very common in the United States?
Todas estão incorretas.

Marque a única frase que está no Simple Present. *
Fred and Henrique worked last Saturday.
Yesterday, the students learned a music in english.
They are going to travel to Rio de Janeiro.
Brazil is world-famous for its Carnival.
The children were happy last weekend.

Resposta :


1 Louis is talking to teacher now.

2. Does they have breakfast at 07:00

3. Let’s tak about communication! Tradução: Vamos falar sobre comunicação!

4. Are they very common in the United States?

5. Brazil is world-famous for its Carnival.


1. o present continous tense é formado pelo verbo auxiliar (to be) + o verbo da oração acrescido de (ING) gerúndio (ing = ando, endo, indo)

2. O auxiliar do é usado nas seguintes formas:

I do

you do

he, she, it DOES

we do

they do