
complete the dialogue by choosing the right option:
A: Where did you______yesterday?
B: well, I_______downtown.
A: What did you_______there?

B: I_____shopping. Actually, I_______some food in the Supermarket and
I____to take my husband's shoes to the shoemaker.

A: Oh, Did you______Fred there?
B: Yes, I_____him. He_____ about you.
A: So, what did you_____?
B: I____you_____fine.
A: Thanks.​

Resposta :


A: Where did you go yesterday?

B: Well, I went downtown.

A: What did you do there?

B: I  did some shopping. Actually, I brought some food in the Supermarket and

I had to take my husband's shoes to the shoemaker.

A: Oh, Did you saw Fred there?

B: Yes, I saw him. He asked about you.

A: So, what did you say?

B: I told him that you were fine.

A: Thanks.​