
Marque a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase “The boy _________________ popcorn” no Immediate Future. *
4 pontos
are going to eat.
is going to eat.
be going to eat.
am going to eat.
Qual é a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase “_____________ more tonight?” *
4 pontos
Is going he to study.
Going he is to study.
Is he going to study.
He is going to study.
Marque a alternativa que tenha a forma negativa da frase “Glenda is going to visit you”. *
4 pontos
Glenda not is going to visit you.
Glenda not going to visit you.
Glenda isn’t not going to visit you.
Glenda is not going to visit you.
Julgue os itens abaixo (CERTO ou ERRADO), depois marque a sequência CORRETA: 1. Bob Is going to drive a car /2.They is going to travel to Brazil./3.She is not going to drink a coffee./4.Are you going to close a Window? *
4 pontos
C, C, E, C
E, C, C, C
C, E, C, C
C, C, C, C
.”I´ll never forget his last words”. A frase anterior corresponde a: *
4 pontos
Simple present
Simple future
Future imediate
Marque a alternativa cuja frase não esteja no Simple Future. *
4 pontos
She will watch TV tonight.
I will study for the test.
We will travel next week.
They didn’t watch TV.
Qual é a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase “I ________________ free time tomorrow”no Simple Future? *
4 pontos
will to have.
will have.
have will.
Qual é a forma negativa da frase “Paul will paint the house”? *
4 pontos
Paul not will painted the house.
Paul won’t painted the house.
Paul not will paint the house.
Paul won’t paint the house.
Marque a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase “Solar energy __________ an alternative in the future” no Simple Future. *
4 pontos
will be.
will are
will to be.
will is.
Qual alternativa corresponde à transformação da frase “They don’t have the usual signs” para o Simple Future? *
4 pontos
They have the usual signs.
They won’t have the usual signs.
They will have the usual signs.
They having the usual signs.
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Resposta :


1 is going to eat

2 Is he going to study...?

3 Glenda is not going to visit you.


5 Simple future

6 They didn't watch TV.

7 will have

8 Paul won't pait his house.

9 will be

10 They won't have the usual signs.

On Learnings: Outras perguntas