Questão 1 – Qual das opções abaixo completa corretamente a sentença “She _______
soccer once or twice a week.”
a) ( ) playing
b) ( ) play
c) ( ) are
d) ( ) plays
Questão 2 – A frase “John watches TV every day”, quando convertida em pergunta,
resulta em:
a) ( ) Are John watches TV every day?
b) ( ) Is John watch TV every day?
c) ( ) Does John watch TV every day?
d) ( ) Do John watches TV every day?
Questão 3 – Quanto ao estudo dos pronomes relativos em inglês (RELATIVE PRONOUNS),
marque a alternativa que complete corretamente as frases a seguir:
• The car __________ I drive is new.
• This is the man __________ I talked yesterday.
a) ( ) who – which
b) ( ) who – whose
c) ( ) which – who
d) ( ) which – whose
Questão 4 – Assinale a única alternativa em que a FORMA NEGATIVA do SIMPLE PRESENT
a) ( ) I don’t study medicine at the university.
b) ( ) They are not working at the computer now.
c) ( ) She don’t eat cereal for breakfast every morning.
d) ( ) He doesn’t walks with his dog every day.
Questão 5 – O pronome relativo que completa corretamente a frase “The dog __________
paw was broken is feeling better” é:
a) ( ) who
b) ( ) whose
c) ( ) where
d) ( ) whom
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