
Complete os espaços em branco das frases abaixo com “WHICH” ou “WHO”.
a) The new movie is about a boy __________ has lost his parents in a car accident.
b) The DVD recorder __________ I bought at this store a few days ago is not working.
c) My dad, __________ travels a lot on business, is in Australia at the moment.
d) We stayed at the famous Rockstar hotel, __________ also had an indoor swimming
e) Did you write back to the person who offered you a job?
f) That's the man __________ I spoke to the other day.
g) Where is the money __________ I gave you yesterday?
h) I met a woman __________ can speak six languages.
i) What’s the name of the man __________ lives next door?
j) What’s the name of the river __________ goes through the town?