
após a sua leitura sobre o dia nacional da alfabetização para trabalhar sua carta conforme uma frase sobre tema com ser modelopor favor me ajude ​

Resposta :


a) Which aspects are compared between Generation Z and millennials6 - Answer the following questions according to the text.1 - What’s your opinion about generational differences? Write your answers and share them with a friend or a classmate. Do you have similar opinions? a) Do more or less people own their houses where you live? Do you agree with Clara and Amelia that it’s more difficult to own a place nowadays? b) What about jobs? Do you agree with Clara that your generation will have a variety of jobs? What is your expectation in this area? c) How similar is your reality to that of British students? How do you see those aspects in your generation? 1Caso seja dono do vídeo e queira solicitar créditos ou a remoção do vídeo, favor entrar em contato no e-mail abaixo


espero ter ajudado

Ver imagem CARLOSPET1