
Socorro pfv Socorro pfv Socorro

Socorro Pfv Socorro Pfv Socorro class=

Resposta :


1- The money was on the desk last week

2- We were together last night

3- I was the one who told him the truth

4- It was not a good idea to skip class

5- We were not happy about his behaviour

6- He was short and had black hair

7- He was here last night

8- You are a brilliant student

9- I was very happy last year

10- Kate was at home yesterday

11- She was 20 years old when she moved to Rio de Janeiro

12- Was she looking for you?

-- Como se forma o tempo Futuro Simples com o verbo "to be"?

sujeito + will + verbo no infinitivo sem o to + complemento

ex: They will buy a new house next month
