Resposta :
⇒⇒ Simple future with ''will'' and ''going to''
A. l will see you soon.
B. You forgot your keys. Mark is going to bring them.
C. We are going to travel to Japan in 2022.
D. She's going to wear a pink dress to the party.
E. It looks like it's going to rain. Look at that big black cloud.
F. In the future people will have bigger heads.
G. Next month we will see the new movie of Spider Man.
⇒⇒ Simple future com ''will'' >> tempo verbal para falar sobre um futuro sem confirmação, futuro incerto - não planejado
→ Affirmative
sujeito + will + verbo + complemento
I will go to the park tomorrow.
She will ride a bike next Sunday.
→ Interrogative
Will + sujeito + verbo + complemento
Will you play soccer?
Will she clean her room?
→ Negativa
sujeito + will + not + verbo + complemento (will not = won't)
John will not run at the park.
The kids will not play soccer tomorrow.
⇒⇒ Simple future com ''going to'' >>> O futuro com ''going to'' indica que o futuro foi planejado e que certamente vai acontecer.
sujeito + am/is/ are + going to + verbo
I am going to visit my parents next weekend.
The kids are going to play soccer tomorrow.
David is going to work on Sunday.
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