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Retire do texto os verbos regulares.

Em Ingles:

My dog Rocky
There was a dog named Rocky. Rocky’s owner was an old man. The old man lived alone in his house. One day, the old man called an Ambulance because he was having trouble breathing. Rocky barked very loudly at the Ambulance workers when they took his master to the Ambulance. Rocky tried to run after them when they drove to the Emergency Room, but he couldn’t keep up with the Ambulance. When the old man went home after one week, he couldn’t find Rocky. Rocky was missing. He asked his neighbors if they saw Rocky. But they have not seen Rocky. One day he went to the park. He saw a lost and found picture of a dog attached to a tree. And it was Rocky!

Em Pòrtugues:

Meu cão Rocky
Havia um cachorro chamado Rocky. O proprietário de Rocky era um homem velho. O velho vivia sozinho em sua casa. Um dia, o velho chamou uma ambulância porque estava tendo problemas para respirar. Rocky latiu muito alto aos funcionários da ambulância quando levaram seu mestre para a ambulância. Rocky tentou correr atrás deles quando eles dirigiam para a Sala de Emergência, mas ele não conseguiu acompanhar a ambulância. Quando o velho foi para casa depois de uma semana, não conseguiu encontrar Rocky. Rocky estava desaparecido. Ele perguntou aos vizinhos se eles viram Rocky. Mas eles não viram Rocky. Um dia ele foi ao parque. Ele viu um retrato de achados e perdidos de um cachorro preso a uma árvore. E era Rocky!

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My dog Rocky

There was a dog named Rocky. Rocky’s owner was an old man. The old man lived alone in his house. One day, the old man called an Ambulance because he was having trouble breathing. Rocky barked very loudly at the Ambulance workers when they took his master to the Ambulance. Rocky tried to run after them when they drove to the Emergency Room, but he couldn’t keep up with the Ambulance. When the old man went home after one week, he couldn’t find Rocky. Rocky was missing. He asked his neighbors if they saw Rocky. But they have not seen Rocky. One day he went to the park. He saw a lost and found picture of a dog attached to a tree. And it was Rocky!


Os verbos regulares em inglês são todos aqueles que quando usados para falar de situações que aconteceram no passado, usamos -ed no final.

Os que nao tem ED no final, mas sao verbos.. `e necessario decorar..


Bons estudos