
“he was getting ready to get better grades.” In the negative form, this sentence is *

… he wasn’t not get ready to get better grades.

… he wasn’t getting ready to get better grades.

… Doesn’t he getting ready to get better grades.

… he doesn’t wasn´t getting ready to get better grades.

… Don’t he wasn’t getting ready to get better grades.​

Resposta :


he wasn’t getting ready to get better grades.

A forma negativa de “he was getting ready to get better grades" (ele estava se preparando para tirar notas melhores) é "he wasn’t getting ready to get better grades" (ele não estava se preparando para tirar notas melhores),  pois was + not equivale a wasn't (forma contraída).

Em inglês, quando um verbo recebe a forma negativa, deve-se adicionar a partícula not logo após. Porém, na maioria das vezes, utilizamos uma forma mais prática ao adicionar n't na mesma palavra, ou seja, a forma contraída, vista na frase acima.

Por exemplo:

Forma positiva: She was happy (ela estava feliz).

Forma negativa: She wasn't happy (was + not = wasn't).
