
Encontre e corrija quatro verbos que estão no tempo incorreto. Uma frase está correta.
a- Did you ever try Swedish food
b- Oliver hasn´t been at School yesterday
c- I fell asleep on the sofa last night
d- I´ve tried snowboarding. It´s been fun.
e- I never rode a mottorcycle. I´m 14

Resposta :


a- Did you ever try Swedish food ERRADO

Have you ever tried Swedish food?

b- Oliver hasn´t been at School yesterday. ERRADO

Oliver wasn't at school yesterday.

c- I fell asleep on the sofa last night. CERTO

d- I´ve tried snowboarding. It´s been fun. ERRADO

I've tried snowboarding. It was fun.

e- I never rode a mottorcycle. I´m 14. ERRADO

I've never ridden a motorcycle. I'm 14.
