
Mark and Julie went to Greece on holiday. They stayed in a nice, big hotel. In the mornings, they had breakfast at the hotel and in the evenings, they ate dinner at local restaurants. One night, they went to the 'Efkaristo' and they sat outside because it was lovely warm weather. They ordered fish, with salad and chips. The waiter served it and he brought their water and some red wine. They made a toast to a great holiday and they drank some wine. They saw a big sign. It read 'Do not feed the cats. Soon, they saw a beautiful tabby cat. It came up to their table. It sat beside Julie. It looked up at her and meowed. 'Aw, isn't it sweet? she said to Mark. Mark smiled and nodded his head. Then Julie cut a piece of fish and gave it to the cat. It ate the fish and licked its paws. The waiter saw and he frowned- he was not happy! When he went inside, Julie cut another piece of fish for the cat. This time, the cat did not wait! It jumped on the table took the fish and quickly jumped back down. Then it ran off, with the fish in its mouth. At that moment, the waiter came back out. He ow the cat with the fish. He looked at Julie, but he didn't say a thing. His look said it all

Encontre no texto o pretérito desses verbos e escreva-os na linha:

Not wait
Not say

Resposta :


Say - Said

Order - Ordered

Nod - Nodded

Have - Had

Cut - Cutted

Eat - Ate

Bring - Brought

Come - Came

Make - Made

Drink - Drank

Go - Went

Stay - Stayed

Not wait - Did not wait

Jump - Jumped

Run - Ran

Not say - Didn't say

Serve - Served

See - Saw

Take - Took

Sit - Sat

Smile - Smiled

Give - Gave

Look - Looked

Bons Estudos!

Seguem abaixo cada um dos verbos em inglês no pretérito:

  • Say - Said

  • Order - Ordered

  • Nod - Nodded

  • Have - Had

  • Cut - Cutted

  • Eat - Ate

  • Bring - Brought

  • Come - Came

  • Make - Made

  • Drink - Drank

  • Go - Went

  • Stay - Stayed

  • Not wait - Did not wait

  • Jump - Jumped

  • Run - Ran

  • Not say - Didn't say

  • Serve - Served

  • See - Saw

  • Take - Took

  • Sit - Sat

  • Smile - Smiled

  • Give - Gave

  • Look - Looked

Past Simple

Dentro da língua inglesa, temos alguns tempos verbais específicos que modificam o verbo principal da frase, e nesse caso, estamos tratando do passado simples, esse que indica uma ação que começou e finalizou no passado antes da fala proferida.

Os verbos são classificados em duas categorias, os irregulares e os regulares, os irregulares não possuem um padrão a ser seguido, sendo assim, o estudante precisará conhecer seu formato previamente, já os regulares é necessário que se acrescente "ed" ao final de sua grafia, transformando o verbo do presente para o passado/pretérito.

Leia mais sobre o passado simples em inglês aqui: https://brainly.com.br/tarefa/44598349


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