
Formule perguntas a partir das frases e responder em inglês usando CAN ou CAN'T:
a) we/play volleyball/after school/Dad
Dae: Sure,__________.

b) to the soccer game/take me/you
Vincent: Luke,___________?
Luke: Sorte, but ___________.

c) Adam/play basketball
Kellen: No, ___________.

d) user her hands/a goalkeeper/in soccer
Coach: Yes, ____________. She can use her hands to touch the hall um the penalty area.

Resposta :


a. Dad, can we play volleyball after School?

a². Sure, we can.

B. Luke, can you take me to the soccer game?

B². Sorry, but I can't

C. Adam can play basketball?

C². No, he can't

d. Can a goalkeeper use her hands in soccer?

d². Yes, she can.