"Faço PETS do Ensino Médio!!"
Funciona assim, logo que você fizer o pagamento e me mandar o comprovante eu já te envio o arquivo completo de atividade pra você. diversas formas de pagamento.
levando mais de um, passível desconto. Entre e contato e descubra os preços, garanta já seu bimestre completo!!
(38) 99875-9507
I have been making cakes. That is why my hands are all covered with flour.
Her phone has been ringing for ten minutes. I wonder why she doesn't answer it.
He has been overworking. That is why he looks so tired.
Have you seen my bag anywhere? I have been looking for it for ages.
What have you been doing? I have been working in the laboratory.
He has been studying Russian for two years and doesn't know the alphabet yet.
How long have you been waiting for me? I have been waiting about half an hour.
It has been raining for two days now. There'll be a flood soon.
Has Mary been crying? No, she hasn't been crying, she has been peeling onions.
You have been driving all day. let me drive now.
Afirmativa :
(I, You, He, She, It, We, You, They) + Have/Has + been + verb-ing
(I, You, He, She, It, We, You, They) + Have/Has + not + been + verb-ing
Have/Has + (I, You, He, She, It, We, You, They) + been + verb-ing ?