
a need you help (nem sei se e assim que escreve mais vai assim mesmo kkj)

3 - Observe novamente as imagens com atenção e responda:

a) What signals are equal or are similar in American and Brazilian sign language? Write or draw:

a) How do you spell your name using the sign language? Como seria seu nome em Libras? e em ASL? Treine como se apresentar utilizando a língua de sinais. Practice in Libras e ASL.

b) What did you like most about sign language? O que você achou mais interessante sobre línguas de sinais?

Resposta :

03. A) There are the so-called five parameters of Libras, which use its articulators (movements from other parts of the body, such as the head and trunk):

  • The configuration of the hand;
  • Articulation site;
  • Movement;
  • Guidance;
  • Expression (facial and/or body).

B) Within sign languages, theirs come from areas of phonetics, syntax and semantics. Libras (Brazilian Sign Language) is a kind of natural language and also of social inclusion, which was created in order to facilitate dialogue and life among people with some type of hearing impairment.

C) It is incorrect to say that Libras are a manual of the alphabet, as it conforms to these expressions and gestures. It's a more widespread language.

more about Libras at: brainly.com.br/tarefa/25534174