
(Pronomes Pessoais)
(Adjetivos Possessivos)
I - Eu

You - Você

He - Ele

She - Ela

It - Ele/Ela (coisas ou animais)

We - Nós

You - Vocês

They - Eles / Elas
My - meu, meus, minha, minhas
Your - sua, seu
His – dele
Her - dela
Its - dela, dele (coisas ou animais)
Our - nosso, nossos
Your - suas, seus
Their - delas, deles

A. Escreva nos espaços em branco o adjetivo possessivo correspondente ao Pronome pessoal em negrito. Olhar na tabela acima e completar as frases abaixo.
Exemplos: He is a student. She is a model.
His name is Paul. Her name is Anne.
1- She is my friend. ________ name is Anne.
2- They are happy. ________ names are Jack and Bob.
3- We are students. ________ names are Sally and Anne.
4- It is a cat. __________ name is Tom.
5- I am a new student. ________ name is Richard.
6- You are my brother. __________ name is John.
7- He is my father. ___________ name is Michael.

B. Enumere cada pronome pessoal ao possessivo correspondente.
(1) I ( ) your
(2) You ( ) her
(3) He ( ) their
(4) She ( ) its
(5) It ( ) my
(6) We ( ) our
(7) They ( ) his


Resposta :


1-her name isso Anne.

2- Their names are Sally and Anne

3-Our names are Sally and Anne

4-its name isso Tom

5- my name isso Richard

6- your name is John

7- his name isso Michael


1- I -am

2 -you -your

3-he- his

4- She- Her

5- it - isso

6- we- our

7- they- their