Read Eric`s postcard and some curiosities about the places he visited.
Dear Susan,
How is your vacation ? Aracajú (SE) is amazing. It has a lot of beautiful places to visit. I go to the beach every day, it never rains here ! The first day was cloudy and cool, but now it`s sunny and really hot. The weather is perfect to surf and practice skateboarding, in fact there is a skatepark near the beach and it`s very cool. Yesterday, I visited Projeto Tamar. That one about the sea turtles, remember ? They were gigantic. You must see them !
See you at school !
Kisses, Eric
Projeto Tamar completa 35 anos com nova geração de tartarugas marinhas – Cidade Informa – Editora Cidade NovaTartarugas Marinhas Visite o Tamar O que fazemos Onde estamos Mais informações Tartaruga-cabeçuda Tartaruga-de-pente Tartaruga-de-couro Tartaruga-verde Tartaruga-oliva ORIGEM CICLO DE VIDA AMEAÇA DE EXTINÇÃO PORQUE PROTEGER ...