Resposta :
⇒⇒ Reflexive pronouns
Explicação / o que são / regras
⇒⇒ Pronomes reflexivos - Reflexive pronouns >> são usados para indicar que a ação do verbo recai sobre o próprio sujeito
→ para dar ênfase >> função enfática
They themselves went to London.
they themselves >> eles mesmos / próprios
→ para dizer que alguém fez algo sozinho (precedido de ''by'') >> função idiomática
Julie finished the work by herself.
by herself >> sozinha
→ para indicar uma ação que afeta quem a praticou >> função reflexiva
John hurt himself when he was mowing the grass.
hurt himself >>> se machucou
Se o sujeito da frase for uma pessoa indeterminada - someone, nobody, no one, somebody - o reflexivo ‘’himself’’ deverá ser usado.
Someone was talking to himself in the living room.
Lista dos pronomes reflexivos
Myself ⇔ I want to do my homework by myself.
Yourself ⇔ You should finish the job by yourself.
Himself ⇔ David hurt himself while cutting the grass.
Herself ⇔ The kid ate all the food by herself.
Itself ⇔ The dog itself broke the toy.
Ourselves ⇔ We went to the Mall by ourselves.
Yourselves ⇔ You yourselves should clean the room.
Themselves ⇔ They went to the river by themselves.
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