
My mother ..... every day. (0.5 Pontos)



is working

4.Assinale a alternativa que corresponde aos plurais corretos das frases a seguir. “This woman is Brazilian.” “My tooth is white.” “My baby was happy.” (0.5 Pontos) These womans are Brazilian. / My tooths are white. /My babys were happy. These women are Brazilian. / My teeth are white. /My babies were happy. These womens are Brazilian. / My teeths are white. /My babys were happy. 5. Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente a lacuna. A: Hanna really likes series! B: For sure, she ..... hours of TV a day! (0.5 Pontos) watch watchs watches 6.Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente a lacuna. A: Hi, Ann! How are you? B: I’m fine, Jack! But I can’t really talk right now, I .....for the Chemistry test. (0.5 Pontos) study am studying am study 7. Assinale a alternativa que corresponde aos plurais corretos de: woman – life – child (1 Ponto) womans – lives – childs women – lives – children women– lifes – children 8. Assinale a alternativa que corresponde ao plural correto de: boy – wardrobe – foot (1 Ponto) boies – wardrobes – foots boyes – wardrobes – feets boys – wardrobes – feet 9. Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase: “Jane ..... to study Math, but she ..... History now.” (0.5 Pontos) likes – is studying is liking – studies is liking – is studying 10.He is from Switzerland. He is..... . (0.5 Pontos) Swede Swiss Dutchman 11.Assinale a alternativa que corresponde ao plural de: "person - key - tooth" (0.5 Pontos) persons - keies - teeth persons - keys - teeths people - keys - teeth 12.He is Greek. He is from..... . (0.5 Pontos) Poland Denmark Greece 13.She ...... jeans every weekend. (0.5 Pontos) wears wear is wearing 14.Andrew...... a book now. (0.5 Pontos) reads read is reading