

Preciso de cinco verbos no PRESENTE retirados desses trechos da música

Do you love the rain? Does it make you dance? When you're drunk with your friends at a party.

What's your favorite song? Does it make you smile? Do you think of me?

When you close your eyes, tell me what are you dreaming. Everything, I wanna know it all

I'd spend 10,000 hours and 10,000 more if that's what it takes to learn that sweet heart of yours and I might never get there but i'm gonna try.

Do you miss the road? That you grew up on? Did you get your middle name form your grandma?

When you think about your forever now do you think of me?

Resposta :

Oi! Boa tarde!


Os verbos no futuro NÃO mudam a sua forma original, ficam iguais, o que muda é o verbo to be (will).

Os verbos no passado (regulares) podem terminar em -d/-ed/-ied, e os irregulares mudam a sua forma de escrita (como "do", que vira "did" e "buy" que vira "Bought").

E os verbos no presente, (simple present) não mudam a sua forma (apenas se forem conjugados com he/she/it, ai acrescentemos -s/-es/-ies), e os verbos no present continuos, acrecentamos o sulfixo -ing.

RESPOSTA: Do, make, dreaming, close e think.

Espero ter ajudado <3