Leia o texto abaixo e responda:
То: [email protected] Ce: Subject: Re: sports inser: Attachments Takom Dear Brett Photos ES Thor your ema You do lots of sports at school in Canada. I'd love to play ice hockey one day. We do lots of sports at our school too We've got a swimming poot at school and our class go swimming every Wednesday. We also play tennis, volleyball and football, but football in Australia is different to soccer. You can touch the ball with your hands! There are lots of after-school sports clubs in Australia too. I go to a surfing club after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We go to the beach and learn how to surf. It's great fun! Can you surf in your country? Wat scan Rob Sona Savo Cancel
1 ) What is kind ir the text ?
( ) A poem ( ) A letter ( ) A new ( ) An e - mail
2 ) Qual é o assunto do texto ?
3 ) Circle True or False these sentence. ( Circule True ou False para sentenças )
A. Rob is from Canada. _____ True False.
B.Rob wants to try ice hockey__ True False
C. There is a swimming pool ar Rob's School________ True False
D. Rob goes swimming on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon________ True False
E. Rob thinks football in Austrália and soccer are the same_______ True False
F. Rob often goes to the beach _____ True False