CS207465ON CS207465ON Inglês Respondido boa noite me ajudem pfvWhy do men have Adam’s Apple?Actually, both men and women have Adam’s apple. In medical terms, the Adam’sapple is called a thyroid cartilage. The reason a man’s Adam’s apple is larger than awoman’s is because his larynx is larger to accommodate his longer vocal cords. Bythe way, it is men’s longer vocal cords that give them deeper voices. A second reason,which female readers may not like, is because women have more fat in their necks,which hides their Adam’s apple.The name Adam’s apple was taken from the Biblical story of Adam and Eve. As thestory goes, a piece of the apple that Eve had given Adam to eat became lodged in histhroat. From then on, Adam and all his male descendants had an enlarged larynx assymbol of Adam’s shame.A. De acordo com o texto, marque V(verdadeiro) ou F (falso);1- ( ) Mulheres não tem pomo de Adão.2- ( ) Pomo de Adão é cartilagem da tireoide.3- ( )As cordas vocais das mulheres são mais longas.4- ( ) A voz do homem é mais profunda.5- ( ) Todas as leitoras são mulheres.