
My name is Ben and I come from Australia. I am 24 years old and I live in a small town near Sydney
called Branton. I don't have a job now, but normally I clean shop windows.I am not married but I live with
my very beautiful girlfriend, Maria, in a nice house in Branton. We don't have any children...maybe next
My girlfriend is an actress, but she isn't very famous. She acts in a small theatre in ourtown. At the
weekend, we like to go swimming in a big lake near our house.
I normally get up at eight o'clock, but on Thursday I get up at six o'clock because that isthe day when I
go running in the park.
Is – é Come – venho Am – sou Live – vivo Called - chamada
Have – tenho, temos Clean – limpo Am not – Não sou Isn’t – Não é Acts - atua
Like – gostamos, gosta, gosto Swimming – Nada Get up – levanto
Go – vou Running _ correr – correndo
Atividade 5 : Marque as frases que estão corretas.
1. Ben lives in Sydney, Australia.
2. Ben is 26 years old.
3. Ben's normal job is cleaning windows.
4. Ben is single.
5. Ben doesn't have any children.
6. Ben's girlfriend works in the local theatre.
7. They go swimming in the river at the weekend.
8. Ben gets up at eight o'clock usually.
9. Ben plays tennis on Thursdays.
10. Ben gets up early on Thursdays.
Atividade 6:
Vamos rever algumas matérias: Genitive case: regras do uso do ‘s – Apostrofe e S
Quem recebe o ‘S é o possuidor, que sempre aparecerá antes do objeto possuído.O cachorro do Adam = Adam’s dog
O filho da Angela = Angela’s son
The party took place at Katy’s house.A festa aconteceu na casa da Katy. Tony’s son lost his phone.
O filho do Tony perdeu o celular dele.
My boy’s teacher doesn’t take it easy.
O professor do meu menino não pega leve.
Quando for plural e terminar em S (assim em nomes que também terminam com S), não há anecessidade de repetir outro S,
apenas acrescenta-se ‘ (apóstrofo).
The men’s bathroom is in the next right.
O banheiro dos homens é na próxima direita.They’re resting at the teachers’ room.
Eles estão descansando na sala dos professores.QUANDO NÃO USAR
Quando o elemento possuidor não for uma pessoa e nem um grupo, haverá, nesse caso, odever de usar a preposição OF THE
The door of the car is not locking.
A porta do carro não está trancando The screen of the cellphone is cracked. A tela do celular está trincada.