Resposta :
Read the sentences and match them to their meaning:
01 – We are going to take the train to the party tonight.
a) a decision based on previous plan
b) a decison made at the moment of speaking.
02 – My ride had a few beers at the party, so I’ll take a taxi home.
a) a decision based on previous plan
b) a decison made at the moment of speaking.
03 – I will never disrespect traffic signals.
a) a decision based on previous plan
b) a decison made at the moment of speaking.
04 – Next month, the speed limit in most avenues in the city is going to be reduced.
a) a decision based on previous plan
b) a decison made at the moment of speaking.
05 – He is going to start riding his bike to school next week.
a) a decision based on previous plan
b) a decison made at the moment of speaking.
06 – I will not ride my bike without wearing a helmet.
a) a decision based on previous plan
b) a decison made at the moment of speaking.
07 – I will respect traffic signals.
a) a decision based on previous plan
b) a decison made at the moment of speaking.
08 – I am going to stop at the mall before we reach our destination.
a) a decision based on previous plan
b) a decison made at the moment of speaking.
09 – She’s going to buy new security equipment before riding her bike to school.
a) a decision based on previous plan
b) a decison made at the moment of speaking.
10 – Today, she’ll take the subway to work.
a) a decision based on previous plan
b) a decison made at the moment of speaking.
Complete the staments below using will or going to
11 – I ______ never ________ a ride anywhere with someone who is under influence.
a) will – take
b) are – going to take
12 – Some parents ____________ carpooling so we can share the commute.
a) will start
b) are going to start
13 – What ______ the government _________ about the lack of accessible buses?
a) is – going to do
b) will – do
14 – I spoke to my friends and they ___________ their bikes without a helmet on anymore.
a) won’t ride
b) aren’t going to ride
Tradução – Vocabulário sobre mobilidade urbana
15 – over-speed:
a) excesso de velocidade
b) dirigir perigosamente
16 – drive dangerously:
a) excesso de velocidade
b) dirigir perigosamente
17 – drive under the influence of alcohol:
a) dirigir embriagado
b) respeitar os direitos dos pedestres.
18 – respect rights of pedestrians:
a) dirigir embriagado
b) respeitar os direitos dos pedestres.
19 – let a mobile phone distract my driving:
a) deixar um celular distrair minha direção.
b) respeitar os direitos dos transportes não motorizados.
20 – respect rights of non-motorised transport:
a) deixar um celular distrair minha direção.
b) respeitar os direitos dos transportes não motorizados.