
Marque apenas as verdadeiras:

(a)It is getting easier and easier to find single parents.
(b)Stefan Malliet takes care of his son because of a court decision.
(c)Stefan Malliet faced a lot of difficulties in taking care of his son alone.
(d)There are 2.6 million house holds headed by a single father in the U.S.

texto:The Rise of the Single Dad
When his son, Kyle, was four months old, Stefan Malliet woke up to his crying at three o’clock in the morning. Stefan tried to figure out what was wrong—Kyle wasn’t hungry, his diaper wasn’t dirty, but he still wouldn’t settle down and go to sleep. He just kept screaming. With no one else in the house to take Kyle off his hands, Stefan called a friend, crying: “I had no idea what was going on."
When I asked Stefan how he decided to take on the responsibilities of a single dad, he said, “This is my child. I have to be here.”
Today, more men than ever are making the same choice. A Pew Research study published this statistic this summer: 8 percent of households with minor children are now headed by a single father, up from just one percent in 1960. This represents a nine-fold increase, from fewer than 300,000 households in 1960 to more than 2.6 million in 2011. In contrast, the number of single-mother households increased four-fold during that time period, from 1.9 million in 1960 to 8.6 million in 2011.

Resposta :


Letra c)


eles dois (o filho(a) e a mãe) estavam sozinhos em casa, ela ouviu o filho chorando e não sabia oq era, ela ligou p o amigo dela, e não sabe oq o filho tem, ela enfrentou muitas dificuldades para cuidar sozinho do seu filho.

Espero ter ajudado !