
) Use the simple past tense and fill in the gaps with the following verbs:

Be (5X) – do not – w in (X2) – have – last – say – live (X2) – enjoy –

start (X2) – create – give – want – meet

Ayrton da Silva Senna ……….. the fastest man in auto racing. He …………… the World

Championship in 1988, 1990  1991, and he ………….. more than thirty-five Grand

Prix races.

He ……………… an older sister and a younger brother. His parents ………………. in a

large house north of São Paulo,  Senna ……………….. in Monaco, in Europe.

He ………………………to drive cars at the age of 4 but he ………………..his Formula One

career in 1984, at the age of 24.

Senna ……………….. like to talk about his private life. His marriage in the early 1980s

…………….. only a year. He ……………:

“To be married to a Formula One driver is an impossible lifestyle for a wife. But I will

get married again.”

, he ………………to marry Adriane Yamin but she ……………… only 15  they ……….in

1985, and her mother was very strict.

His passion ……………….to fly model planes. He also ………………………. jet-skiing on

water and flying with his father.

, Senna ……………..a millionaire but he ………………. also a very generous man : he

…………………millions of his personal fortune to help poor children and he

………………………. an organisation to help Brazilian children (today, this organization is

called “Instituto Ayrton Senna”).

C) Add a link word each time you see the following symbol  :

And – then – to conclude – but – when

alguém pode me ajudar por favor ??​

Resposta :

Completando com os verbos no Passado Simples, o texto fica da seguinte forma:

Ayrton da Silva Senna was the fastest man in auto racing. He won the World Championship in 1988, 1990 and 1991, and he was in more than thirty-five Grand Prix races. He had an older sister and a younger brother. His parents lived in a large house north of São Paulo, but Senna lived in Monaco, in Europe. He started to drive cars at the age of 4 but he started his Formula One career in 1984, at the age of 24.  Senna didn't like to talk about his private life. His marriage in the early 1980s  lasted only a year. He said: “To be married to a Formula One driver is an impossible lifestyle for a wife. But I will  get married again.” Then, he wanted to marry Adriane Yamin but she was only 15 when they met in 1985, and her mother was very strict. His passion was to fly model planes. He also enojyed jet-skiing on water and flying with his father. To conclude, Senna was a millionaire but he was also a very generous man: he  gave millions of his personal fortune to help poor children and he created an organization to help Brazilian children (today, this organization is  called “Instituto Ayrton Senna”).


 O Passado Simples é usado para falar sobre ações concluídas no passado. Para os considerados verbos regulares, basta adicionar -d, -ed, ou -ied ao final. Já em frases negativas, basta usar o verbo auxiliar didn't seguido do verbo principal no infinitivo. Exemplo:

  • I lived in Rio de Janeiro when I was a kid. (Eu morei no Rio de Janeiro quando era criança.)
  • I didn't see you last night! (Eu não te vi noite passada)

Já com verbos irregulares, não há uma regra, cada um ganha uma forma totalmente nova no Passado Simples, como "have" que vira "had" e "go" que vira "went".

  • I had some free time last week. (Eu tive tempo livre semana passada.)
  • I went to the mall with Billy. (Eu fui ao shopping com o Billy)

As linking words são conjunções que exercem o papel de conectivo nas frases, conectando ideias ao unir termos ou orações. Tais palavras podem expressar diferentes ideias como continuação, contraste, oposição, etc. As usadas no exercício expressam:

  • And: adição
  • To conclude: resumo
  • But: contraste
  • When: tempo
  • Then: ordem/sequência