
Transforma esse texto do passado no presente "Who were they? What did they do? What happened? On Saturday, the Jenson family shopped for a Christmas tree. They got in the car. They drove to the tree farm, Mr. and Mrs. Jenson walked around the tree farm with their kids. The Jenson family looked at all the trees. They looked at tall trees and short trees. They looked at fat trees and skinny trees. They looked at every tree on the farm. They wanted the perfect tree. The Jenson kids finally found the perfect tree. It wasn't too tall or too short. It wasn't too fat or too skinny. The tree was exactly what they wanted. It was the perfect Christmas tree!​

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Transformação Esse Texto do Passado Não Apresentar "Quem foram eles? O que eles fizeram? O que aconteceu? No sábado, a família Jenson colocou para uma árvore de Natal. Eles entraram no carro. Eles dirigiram para a fazenda da árvore, o Srs. e a Sra. Jenson andam pela fazenda da árvore.