
Marque a única frase referente ao texto que NÃO está no Present Perfect
(a) That has increased my weight in six kilos.
(b) Mr. Keith Smith is having na appointment with Dr. Judith Thompson
(c) Has your wife told you about your snoring
(d) Have you changed your habits recently?
(e) or have you woken up with apnea?
Marque a alternativa correta
Para formar o Past Perfect usamos:
(a) O auxiliar have ou has + verbo no Past Participle.
(b) O auxiliar have ou has + verbo no Simple Past
(c) O verbo to be + verbo no Past Participle
(d) O auxiliar had + verbo no Past Participle
(e) O verbo to be no passado + verbo no Past Prticiple
A forma negativa da frase abaixo na forma do Present Perfect é
She has been in Europe many times
(a She has not hasn't been in Europe many times
(b) She hasn't not been in Europe many times
(c) She haven t been in Europe many times.
(d) She have not hasn't been in Europe many times
(el She hasn't been in Europe many times

QUESTÃO 12 Marque A Única Frase Referente Ao Texto Que NÃO Está No Present Perfect A That Has Increased My Weight In Six Kilos B Mr Keith Smith Is Having Na App class=

Resposta :

questão 12- letra b

questão 13- letra d

questão 14- letra e