SARINHA995ON SARINHA995ON Inglês Respondido INGLÊS INGLÊS IMGLES INGLÊS INGLÊS UNGKEE INGLÊS INGLÊS INGLÊS INGLÊS INGLÊS INGLÊS INGLÊS INGLÊS INGLÊS INGLÊS INGLÊS INGLÊS INGLÊS INGLÊS INGLÊS INGLÊS INGLÊS INGLÊS INGLÊS INGLÊS INGLÊS Phrasal Verbs Using Get Complete as frases com across, along, away, by, down to, down, in, off, on, out, over, through or up. 1. Get ____ from there! You should not have climbed on the shelves! 2. All of the children get_____ well and are friends. 3. You do not have to get_____ You can stay seated in your chair. 4. Jennifer has not gotten_____ her break up with John. She is still sad. 5. Please get _____the car. It is time for us to leave. 6. Get_____ the rollercoaster. The ride has ended. 7. I am not sure if my message got____ to you. Did you understand what I said? 8. After lunch the group got____ work on the presentation. 9. The children will get _____with their homework after they finish eating dinner. 10. Please get ____of my room. I would like privacy now. 11. My dog got_____, from me when her leash broke. 12. Mark will get______ with his studies next year. 13. The family gets_____ with the low salaries of the parents. 14. This is the bus stop. We will get ___the bus here. 15. The leaders of the two countries got ____the bus here. work on a peace agreement. 16. We can relax after we get_____ with cleaning the house. 17. Karen can't get _____month. on her own. Her parents need to give her money every 18. We can get_____ with the meeting when everyone is quiet. 19. Many people like to get _____for long weekends in the summertime. 20. The children will get ____from the stage after they finish singing.