
2. Passe as frases para a forma negativa:
A) She Will make my bad.

B) He Will be the first to speak with him.

C) They will walk on the road.

D) You will travel this year.

E) Wesley Will Marry Karla.

me ajudem pls :(​

Resposta :


A) She Will make my bad.

She will not make my bad.

B) He Will be the first to speak with him.

He will not be the first to speak with him.

C) They will walk on the road.

They will not walk on the road.

D) You will travel this year.

You will not travel this year.

E) Wesley Will Marry Karla.

Wesley will not marry Karla.


Existe uma contratação. Ex: will not. Você pode colocar won't.. will+ not= won't.