
The task was so complicated that I had to do it
*) mine
b) me
.) myself
21 You've got to love first beforo you can love someone else.
:) you
) yourself
.) youts
31 The door closed by when the wind blow in
1) yourself
.) itselt
4) I kept telling
*) me
to forgive him for all the pain he had caused me
) mine
.) myself
5) Laura injured
a) het
while playing tennis
b) horsolt
.) she​

Resposta :


The task was so complicated that I had to do it myself.

You've got to love yourself first before you can love someone else.

The door closed by itself when the wind blew in.

I kept telling myself to forgive him for all the pain he had caused me.

Laura injured herself while playing tennis


As frases estão meio bagunçadas e a escrita incorreta mas fiz o que pude, espero que tenha ajudado!

On Learnings: Outras perguntas