
1. Marque a opção correta para completar as sentenças condicionais.
a) If I arrived home early, I ......................................... dinner for us.
( ) cooked ( ) would cook ( ) cook ( ) cooks
b) If he learns the basics of computers, he ........................................ a better student.
( ) becomed ( ) become ( ) would become ( ) will become
c) If Mary intended to come, she ................................................... us.
( ) would find ( ) finds ( ) find ( ) will find
d) If you ............................................. a car, you will have problems about money.
( ) buys ( ) buy ( ) will buy ( ) would buy
e) If I leave now, I ............................................ in São Paulo by 6:00 PM.
( ) arrived ( ) arrives ( ) would arrive ( ) will arrive
f) If Josh ......................................... home, you will go to the supermarket.
( ) stay ( ) will stay ( ) would stay ( ) stays
2. Leia o texto abaixo e marque a alternativa correta em cada questão.
Curitiba: Tending to Small Things

By the swollen standards of the global megalopolis, Curitiba is a backwater. But this regional capital in Brazil’s
southern farm belt, population 1.7 million, has a stubborn habit of caring for the urban environment – a quality that has turned
this one-time colonial outpost into one of the most livable places in the developing world.
While most big cities are symphonies in gray, Curitiba is arbored and tidy, with 54 square meters of greenery per
resident – twice the amount prescribed by the World Health Organization. Its trash recycling and collection systems are models
for Latin America. Urban planners from Bogotá to Beijin have copied the agile mass-transit system, which ferries 54 percent of
all Curitibanos, including one of four car owners – unusual on a continent where progress was always measured by the tailpipe
a) O hábito a que se faz referência no primeiro parágrafo:
( ) afetou a economia do período colonial.
( ) impulsionou a reforma agrária na região.

( ) transformou as condições de vida do lugar.
( ) reduziu a população das megalópoles.

b) Na comparação que estabelece entre Curitiba e outras cidades, o autor:
( ) especifica a proporção de área verde.
( ) elogia a política de incentivo à música.

( ) discorda do espaço reservado às edificações.
( ) desconsidera a importância da malha viária.

c) Em relação ao lixo urbano, as medidas adotadas em Curitiba:
( ) superam a expectativa da World Health Organization.
( ) servem de modelo para a América Latina.

( ) alcançam o dobro da meta prevista para o Brasil.
( ) reproduzem a experiência de reciclagem de Beijin.

d) O serviço de transporte coletivo da capital paranaense:
( ) destaca-se pela gratuidade a 54% dos usuários.
( ) atende a 1⁄4 dos proprietários de carros.

( ) integra-se a uma rede continental
( ) obedece a padrões urbanísticos colombianos.


Resposta :

1. a) would cook

b) will become

c) would find

d) buy

e) will arrive

f) stays

2. a) transformou as condições de vida do lugar.

b) especifica a proporção de área verde.

c) servem de modelo para a América Latina.

d) destaca-se pela gratuidade a 54% dos usuários.