What does Creuza do now? (O que Creuza faz agora?) * 1 ponto a) a domestic worker d) a teacher c) a judge b) president of a federation
Esta pergunta é obrigatória 3. Who does Creuza try to help? (Quem Creuza tenta ajudar?) * 1 ponto d) millions of schools c) millions of presidents a) millions of domestic workers b) millions of domestic bosses 4. What does she fight against? (Contra o que ela luta?) * 1 ponto b) schools a) social injustice d) black people c) presidents 5. According to Creuza, is slavery over in our country? (De acordo com Creuza, a escravidão está extinta em nosso país?) * 1 ponto a) Yes, it is. b) No, it is not. 6. Creuza was a domestic before the age o 11. * 1 ponto b) Falso a) Verdadeiro 7. Creuza is a history teacher now. * 1 ponto a) Verdadeiro b) Falso