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I think we should be responsible for other people's lives. Nobody should leave their homes unless it is for some important reason.

John Adams

Jul 24 12:10 PM

Mary Collins

Jul 24 8:42 PM

Gregory Nashville Jul 24 10:22 PM

I don't think it is necessary to stay at home

I agree with you Laura.

I have the same opinion, Laura.

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02-Segundo o texto, escolha a opção correta:

a) John Adams pensa como Laura

b) Gregory discorda de Laura

c) Mary Collins concorda com Laura d) Mary Collins é imparcial em sua opinião

03- Nobody should leave their homes unless it is for some important reason Na frase acima que aparece n postagem de Laura nas redes sociais, marque a frase sinonima: a) People should stay at home and go out only if it is very important.

b) It doesn't matter if people go out or not.

c) People should never leave home. d) People may go out if they want to.

04- (ENEM/2014)

The Road Not Taken (by Robert Frost)

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I - I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.