
1. Underline the parallel structure and give the pattern as the previous examples.
a) Hades was presented with a helmet of invisibility and given the Underworld to rule.
b) The palace of Zeus on Mt. Olympus is the home of the gods and goddesses.
c) Zeus grew up strong and healthy on the island of Crete.
d) Zeus banished Cronus and all the Titans to the Underworld.
e) Ares was not well liked or trusted by the other gods.​

Resposta :


d) Zeus banished Cronus and all the Titans to the Underworld.


eu acho pode colocar como melhor resposta??


Zeus era filho de Cronos, o mais forte dos titãs, que casou-se com sua irmã Reia. Tiveram muitos filhos: Zeus, Poseidon, Hades (Plutão), Hera, Héstia e Deméter. ... Zeus tornou-se senhor dos homens e supremo mandatário dos deuses que habitavam o monte Olimpo.